Growing Bedding Plants in South Africa
This e-book covers everything you need to know about growing flowering annuals throughout the year.
It is written especially for South African gardeners, and no matter whether you wish to purchase trays of seedling, or sow you own seeds, it will be invaluable to all gardeners who love to have colour in the garden throughout the year. All 78 pages are packed with useful growing information and beautiful photographs of each flower. It also includes the best planting and sowing times for each variety, as well as ideal germination temperatures and days to flowering.
Colour is what most people are drawn too in a garden, and if it is tactfully incorporated into your garden design it will have a great impact. Colour is powerful, it may reflect our moods or project our personality, and, as in the home, in the garden it is used to create the right mood and even to evoke different feelings in people.
Children love sowing and growing flowering seedlings and will be delighted to watch them grow and bloom. Gardening offers many opportunities to teach your children about caring and nurturing, as well as opening up the wonderful world of birds, butterflies, frogs, bees and all the other fascinating creatures that inhabit our gardens.
Bold floral colour will enhance the visibility of your business, and to continually attract attention, just change the annuals seasonally. If you are hoping to sell your home, colour will undoubtedly add value - just like a vase of fresh flowers inside the home adds appeal for buyers.
Special occasions like weddings, bridal showers etc. are often held in the home garden, and all you need is a perfectly green lawn and splashes of colour to add the finishing touches to your already beautiful garden - much like the flooring or carpets, and strategically placed ornaments inside the home.
If placed where they will have the most impact, pots and hanging baskets will transform any area of your garden. Many bedding plants grow beautifully in containers, and groupings of flowering pots and hanging baskets will instantly add a warm and welcoming touch to entrances, patios and other areas.
If you love your garden you will naturally want some colour throughout the year, and the large selection of flowering bedding plants available in South Africa enables us to do just that. Good garden design involves knowing how to combine colours so that the final result is the “coming together of theory and reality.” Only practice and experimentation will develop your eye for colour and allow you to see the differences between hues. Practice makes perfect, and the beauty of experimenting with annuals is that each season you can try something new - rather like changing the colour scheme inside your home. Combine this with the fast-maturing versatility of annuals, and your garden can become a canvas and you the artist!
If used well, colour will help to lead the eye through the garden; drawing attention to focal points and tying together various other landscaping elements like stretches of lawn or background trees and shrubs. It will also soften and accentuate low walls and pathways and is used to demarcate various "rooms" in the garden, and lead from one to another.
Do you long to have colourful flowers in your garden throughout the year but are not sure which varieties to plant each season, or when to sow or plant them for best results?
Are you tired of wasting your money on seedlings that either die or do not give you the results you envisioned?
"Growing Bedding Plants in South Africa” is easy to understand, yet includes everything you need to know about successfully growing beautiful bedding plants. I hope it will inspire you to create a beautiful flower garden, no matter how large or small.
Growing bedding plants a most rewarding hobby, and I know that the plants I have selected to include in this book will inspire the artist in you. I hope you will enjoy reading my book as much as I have enjoyed writing it.
A chapter by chapter preview:
Growing Bedding Plants
Sowing Seeds
Planting out your Seedlings
Watering and Manicuring your Plants
Common and Latin Names Index
Sowing Guide
Plant Varieties
African Daisy Ageratum Alyssum Aquilegia Aster Baby Snapdragon Bedding Dahlia Bells of Ireland Bokbaaivygie Bush Violet Busy Lizzie Calibrachoa Candytuft Canterbury Bell Celosia Chrysanthemum Cineraria Coleus Common Primrose Cornflower Cosmos | Cup Flower Delphinium Dianthus English Daisy English Marigold Everlasting Flower Fairy Primrose Flowering Tobacco Forget-me-not Foxglove Gazania German Primrose Godetia Hollyhock Iceland Poppy Impatiens Lobelia Love-in-a-mist Lupins Marigold Monkey Flower | Nasturtium Nemesia Ornamental Cabbage Pansies and Violas Petunia Phlox Poor Man’s Orchid Portulaca Salvia Snapdragon Spider Plant Stocks Sunflower Sweet Pea Sweet William Trumpet-flower Verbena Vinca Wax-leaf Begonia Wishbone Flower Zinnia |
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