Alternanthera bettzickiana 'Pink'Alternanthera bettzickiana 'Pink'Joseph’s coat is not only very pretty in the garden, it is also edible and used medicinally. It’s a popular groundcover, and a good terrarium and aquarium plant. Its colourful variegated leaves and ease of growth make it a good choice for new gardeners. Read more below about growing and maintaining this carefree little plant.

English Ivy. Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann Anke from PixabayEnglish Ivy. Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann Anke from PixabayEnglish Ivy (Hedera helix) and Canary Ivy (Hedera canariensis) may no longer be sold or grown in South Africa. Read more below how this affects you if you have them growing on your property.

Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon'Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon'The Chameleon Plant (Houttuynia cordata 'Chamaeleon') is listed as a Category 3 invasive. Read more below on how this affects you if you have this plant growing on your property.

Potato Pot Picture courtesy Pot Picture courtesy gardening is a great way to enjoy fresh produce throughout the year and with a little gardening know-how you will soon be harvesting your own home-grown vegetables and herbs. If you are keen to try, read more below to learn the secrets to success.

Ocimum obovatum was previously known as Becium obovatum, but luckily its common names remain the same, and once you have seen this lovely perennial in full bloom you will never forget it. Read all about it below.

Image by VictoriaLK from PixabayImage by VictoriaLK from PixabayCreeping Jenny is a very popular groundcover in South Africa because it grows easily from the coast to the cold hinterland. However, it is often thought of as a nuisance in the garden because of how well it spreads. It's one of those plants that straddle’s the line between obnoxious invasive and beautiful ornamental, you be the judge. Read all about it below.

Haunted Halloween Fairy House

Monday, 24 October 2022 10:45

This bespoke fairy house is totally unique and a perfect gift for adults, or just for you!

Price includes a string of battery operated fairy lights and free shipping in SA.

Click here to read more.

Just in time for Halloween

Friday, 21 October 2022 09:04

This spooky bespoke piece is just in time for Halloween, and a perfect gift as it is totally unique – no other one quite like it will ever be made again. The selling price includes free shipping in SA. 

Click here to read more

Barleria repens. Image by Bishnu Sarangi from PixabayBarleria repens. Image by Bishnu Sarangi from PixabayAfter the exuberant peak of the mid-summer garden it is often left looking a little tired and uninteresting, but if you include plants that come into their own at this time and continue flowering into autumn you have a winning recipe, and you can’t go wrong with bush violets, they are wonderfully easy-going and put on a lovely show. Read more below on the popular garden species.

Geranium incanum. Image by Karsten Paulick from PixabayGeranium incanum. Image by Karsten Paulick from PixabayOur indigenous carpet geranium or crane’s bill, with its masses of delicate flowers almost all year round, is a spreading groundcover that is just as happy in a fynbos garden as it is in a bushveld one. Read all about growing it, and how to use it in the garden below.

Lemon verbena is the Queen of aromatic herbs

Wednesday, 05 October 2022 13:19

Lemon verbena shrub. Image by Lebensmittelfotos from PixabayLemon verbena shrub. Image by Lebensmittelfotos from PixabayOne whiff of the scent from a bruised leaf of lemon verbena and its likely you’ll not want to live without this luscious smelling herb ever again! Read all about growing and using it below.

Cherry Tomato Cherry Tomato I have yet to meet a gardener who wants to grow vegetables that does not have tomatoes at the top of their list, and this is quite understandable as tomatoes grow easily and taste so much better when sun-ripened on the vine, and if grown organically they’re healthier too. 

Vinca major Image by For commercial use, some photos need attention. from PixabayVinca major Image by For commercial use, some photos need attention. from PixabayDid you know that the large blue periwinkle, gewone-opklim (Vinca major) is a category 1B invasive plant in South Africa? However sterile cultivars or hybrids of Vinca minor are not listed. Read more below what this means for you and what the regulations are. 

Echinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit' Picture courtesy Nu-leaf NurseryEchinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit' Picture courtesy Nu-leaf NurseryConeflowers are widely popular with good reason. They are not just beautiful and bloom for months on end, but are also low maintenance and adaptable to a wide range of growing conditions, not forgetting their herbal applications. Read more below about their uses and how to plant, grow and maintain them for healthy plants that will flower for many seasons to come.

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