2019 Garden World Spring Festival - Garden 14 Sunday, 28 July 2019 19:57
'Romantic Harmony'
MENTOR: Terry Moller-Welsh
Gold Award
2019 Garden World Spring Festival - Garden 15 Sunday, 28 July 2019 19:42
'A Small Oasis in City Life'
DESIGNED BY: Wihann Felstead
LANDSCAPED & CONSTRUCTED BY: Earthlinks Landscaping – Esli Kietzmann 082 494 2165
Silver Gilt Award
2019 Garden World Spring Festival - Garden 16 Sunday, 28 July 2019 19:27
'Food for Thought'
DESIGNED BY: Lizette Nieman
LANDSCAPED & CONSTRUCTED BY: Strylitzia Landscaping
Platinum Award
2019 Garden World Spring Festival - Garden 17 Sunday, 28 July 2019 18:17
'Water is Life'
MENTOR: Carly Blankevoort 082 487 0842
LANDSCAPED & CONSTRUCTED BY: Ornamental Horticulture students from UNISA, Tshwane University of Technology (TUT), Duban University of Technology (DUT)
High Gold Award
How to prune deciduous fruit trees Monday, 22 July 2019 16:05
The first three years of your trees life are the most important if you want a good open shape which allows the sunlight through for good fruit production, and which also keeps the tree low for easy care and harvesting. Learn how to prune peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, apples, pears, cherries, grape vines, almonds, walnuts, and pecan nuts.
Easy guidelines for pruning roses Monday, 22 July 2019 15:25
In this article you will learn how to easily prune all types of roses from climbers to miniatures with confidence. The various provinces start pruning at slightly different times so read on to find out when to start pruning your roses.
Cheerful Kalanchoes for your garden & home Wednesday, 17 July 2019 14:52
All Kalanchoes are popular plants for the garden and home, but the little ones, appropriately called “Flaming Katy” have become one of the most popular flowering succulents in South Africa and the world. People love to use them for instant colour indoors because they are easy to care for and are available all year round in full bloom. And, because they are inexpensive they can be discarded once they’ve finished blooming. However, frugal gardeners transplant them into the garden or outdoor pots, knowing that if cared for correctly, they will return and flower again every winter and spring.
Crystals and gemstones for your garden Thursday, 04 July 2019 18:10
When people hear the word “crystal” many will associate it with chandeliers, wedding goblets or bowls, some may think of snow or salt, and others will immediately think of them in their beautiful symmetric mineral and rock forms, produced by the earth over millions of years. Mankind has always had an affinity with crystals, and places like New Mexico and Arizona have known energy vortexes, caused by meteorites and other natural phenomenon that produced an exponential amount of crystals in the earth.
New Potato and Asparagus Monday, 24 June 2019 12:30
Gardeners who love growing and eating their own produce, are in for a particularly fine treat this winter. In June and July, renowned bulb growers, Hadeco, will be supplying nurseries around the country with sets of top quality asparagus crowns and certified clean seed potatoes.
Sweet Bay is an herb of poets, oracles, warriors, statesmen and doctors. Monday, 24 June 2019 10:50
An excerpt from my new e-book "Growing Culinary Herbs in South Africa"
For most people, bay is the least understood herb, and one which is tossed into soups and stews without a second thought, and then relegated to the back of the spice cabinet once again. This is understandable because the aromatic leaf from the bay tree doesn't taste like much other than, well, a leaf! But steep a few leaves in a warm broth or sauce and your dish will become infused with fragrant flavour.
Moth orchids are an excellent choice for ‘first time’ orchid growers Monday, 17 June 2019 15:49
The exquisite moth orchids are popular among novice and experienced growers alike because they are easy to grow and produce the elegant arching sprays of long-lasting blooms that can be seen in so many design magazines across the world.
The name Phalaenopsis is derived from the Greek and means "resembling a moth." It was so named because the white and pink species growing on trees in the wild resemble flights of moths at twilight.
Urban homesteading is trending around the world Monday, 14 September 2020 18:46
During these trying times people are spending a lot more time at home and looking to save a buck wherever they can. Make the most of this time by researching sustainable living to meet your needs, save money, and help preserve the environment at the same time. Read more below on this fascinating subject.
June need not be a dreary month in your garden Friday, 07 June 2019 13:22
June is an interesting gardening month and the shortest day and longest night is on June 21st, after which the days gradually start getting longer, but very slowly at first so that you hardly realise it. And in the warmer regions, after about three weeks, you will notice that many plants have already begun to grow again - spring in Durban starts in late July!
If you live in the warmer subtropical regions of the country the temperatures are perfect for gardening now; so while the rest of us freeze, why not get stuck into your garden and implement all those changes you planned on doing this summer, but just never got around too.
Growing asparagus is not difficult - all you need is patience! Friday, 31 May 2019 15:38
You don't need a large garden to cultivate asparagus yourself, and all you need is patience, because although asparagus is easy to grow, it takes at least a year or two from the time you plant until you can start harvesting, but as the plant gets older, more and more shoots are available for harvest over a longer period of time. Asparagus is a perennial vegetable, meaning it will come back year after year on its own, and once you have an established asparagus patch, relatively little effort is required to maintain the plants. Because asparagus plants have a 10 to 15 year life expectancy, you will save a small fortune over the years on buying expensive asparagus from the supermarket.