Trees & large shrubs, subtropical humid gardens

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African Flame Tree, Tulip Tree (Spathodea campanulata)
A large slow growing evergreen tree for large gardens and parks; with  handsome leaves and huge orange-red tulip-shaped flowers sporadically in summer. It will reach +-5m tall and 2.5m wide in 10 years, but at maturity it can reach +-25m tall with a 10m spread. It grows only in KwaZulu-Natal and the Lowveld. Plant in a sunny position where it is protected from strong wind; and water regularly during dry spells.

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Australian Brush Cherry (Syzygium paniculatum)
This attractive evergreen plant is grown for its glossy, dark green leaves and bronzy-red new growth. In summer it bears masses of fluffy, creamy white flowers; followed by clusters of edible, rosy-pink fruits. It loves full sun and will grow quickly to +-6 to 10m tall and +-4m wide, if left un-pruned. Although it is very beautiful, this plant seeds itself all over the garden and can become very invasive.

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Cape Holly, Waterboom, monamane, iPhuphuma, umDuma, phukgile, mutanzwa-khamelo (Ilex mitis)
The Cape Holly has a straight trunk and a dense, rounded crown of dark green leaves; the small white flowers are sweetly scented and the female trees bear heavy crops of small red, holly-like berries in winter. In cultivation it is a small to medium-sized tree that seldom grows taller than 8m. Plant it in a sheltered position in full sun or semi-shade.

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Coast Silver Oak, Kusvaalbos, Phahla, Mphahla, umPhahla  (Brachylaena discolour)
This excellent evergreen coastal tree is easily distinguishable from a distance by its silvery-blue appearance. In the garden and in exposed positions it will grow about 4 to 10m tall but in the protection of the forest it can reach 20m or more. During winter and spring the bush is entirely covered with large panicles of creamy, thistle-like flowers; small brown nutlets, in a brown capsule; follow the flowers.

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Common Cabbage Tree, Gewone Kiepersol , umSenge, Motshetshe  (Cussonia spicata)
No two Cabbage trees grow exactly the same; young trees are single stemmed but older specimens may have massive trunks with a branched, roundish crown. Plants grows quickly if watered regularly, varying in height from +-4 to 10m with a spread up to 4m wide. Large indented leaves are produced on top of a corky, fissured stem. Small greenish flowers are borne on candle-like spikes, followed by small purple berries. Plants are mostly evergreen and require full sun.

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Cross-berry, Kruisbessie, Mokukutu, Mogwane, iLalanyathi, Mulembu, umNqabaza (Grewia occidentalis)
This plant varies greatly in height and spread, growing as a woody shrub or small tree, and reaching anything from 2 to 6m tall;and is normally well-branched. It is a most decorative garden subject with its starry, mauve or pink flowers in summer, followed by distinctive square-shaped berries that turn a shiny reddish-brown to light purple. It is mostly evergreen in warm regions and thrives in full sun, but can be planted in semi-shade.

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European Fan Palm (Chamaerops humilis)
This attractive palm naturally forms clumps but can be pruned to form a few bare stems that will make a beautiful specimen plant. The leaves vary from blue-green to grey-green; varying in height and spread from +-3 to 6m tall and +-3m wide. Although it is tolerant of very dry conditions once established, it responds well to moderate watering during dry spells.

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Fever Tree, Koorsboom (Acacia xanthophloea)
The beautiful form of this striking indigenous tree and its unusual sulphur-yellow bark, makes it easily identifiable in the wild. It varies in height and spread, depending on where it is grown and can reach 10 to 15m tall and 10m wide under optimal conditions. It loses its leaves in winter and makes a beautiful silhouette during the winter months. It loves full sun but is not drought tolerant, so water regularly.

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Flamboyant, Royal poinciana,  Flambojant (Delonix regia)
Virtually everyone falls in love with this magnificent tree in spring and early summer when it is clothed in its exuberant clusters of exotic looking flame red and orange flowers. The flowers are followed by long flat, woody seed pods. It will grow moderately to +-5m tall, with an equal spread, in about ten years; but can reach 12m tall with and even wider spread at maturity. It tolerates a bit of drought and thrives in full sun.

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Forest Bell Bush (Mackaya bella)
This versatile plant can be trained to grow as a large shrub or small tree, and has an upright growth habit and attractive glossy, dark green leaves. If left un-pruned, plants can reach +-1.5 to 3m tall with almost an equal spread. Beautiful large, bell-shaped flowers adorn the plant in late spring; the flowers are mauve to white, and are marked with delicate purple-pink lines. Plants thrive near water and are not very drought tolerant. Plant in semi shade to sun.

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Frangipani (Plumeria)
These exotic ornamental shrubs or small trees remain popular for their beautifully fragrant clusters of large waxy flowers; blooming all summer and autumn. Flowers come in many bright and pastel shades of yellow, pink, red, and white. Plant in full sun and water regularly in summer; but as the weather cools down in autumn reduce the amount you water and stop watering completely after all the leaves have fallen and the plant has gone dormant; only resuming watering in spring, when the new leaves appear.

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Gardenia, Cape Jasmine (Gardenia augusta)
This evergreenwill produce its powerfully fragrant flowers from late spring to late autumn;  with the main flush in the months leading up to Christmas; the white flowers turn creamy yellow as they age. Cultivars can be white or yellow; single, semi-double; or double. They enjoy semi-shade to sun, or morning sun.; in very hot regions it appreciates some shade during the hottest part of the day, but in cooler regions it is quite happy in full sun. Plant in acid soil, and water regularly.

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Giant Elephants Ear, Giant Taro
(Alocasia macrorrhiza)
A bold and imposing foliage plant for a shady garden, in tropical regions it is a massive perennial plant with huge leaves that can grow 90cm to 1.8 m in length and 60cm to 1.2 m wide. New leaf stalks emerge from a stout upright trunk that can stand 1.8 m tall. In ideal conditions the whole plant can reach 3.7 to 4.6m tall and spread 1.8 to 3m. Its flowers are pale-green spathes with a white spadice; reddish seeds develop along the spadix. It requires regular watering and can spread very aggressively by underground rhizomes.

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Glory Bush (Tibouchina urvilleana)
The Tibouchina family has thousands of different species, including shrubs, trees, herbs and climbers. The Glory bush is a sight to behold when in full bloom in summer and autumn; and virtually completely covered in an abundance of rich, velvety purple flowers. The oval leaves are furry and distinctly veined. It can be planted in full sun or light shade and will grow quickluy to +-4m tall, with an equal spread. Water regularly and protect from strong winds.

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Glossy Currant, Blinktaaibos, inHlokoshiyane (Searsia lucida)
This small indigenous tree or shrub is a decorative garden subject; with a low branching habit, somewhat drooping branches, and glossy, dark olive-green leaves. Sprays of pale creamy-white flowers appear from mid winter to summer, and female trees produce shiny brown fruits. Plants vary greatly in height and spread, but usually grow between 2 to 3.5m tall. It is semi-deciduous and the leaves turn orange-yellow before falling. Plant it in full sun and water regularly.

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Henkel's Yellowwood   (Podocarpus henkeli)
This beautiful tree can be clipped into a large shrub and is loved for its long drooping, dark green glossy leaves, and its handsome pyramid shape. The new leaves are a fresh pale green to pink, the large round cones are olive green, and the yellow-grey bark peels off to expose red-brown under bark. It will grow slowly to +-20m tall and +-10m wide and can be planted in full sun or semi- shade; water regularly.

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Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)
 These ever popular evergreens are grown for their huge single or double flowers which are available in astonishing shades of red, pink, yellow, orange, and white. Their large glossy green leaves add to their exotic look. They vary greatly in height, from huge bushes to small trees, but modern hybrids will grow quickly to +-5m tall and +-3m wide. Plant them in full sun and water regularly during dry spells.

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Japanese Lantern, Coral Hibiscus (Hibiscus schizopetalus)
This hibiscus is a vigorous, open, evergreen shrub that produces long arching branches that tend to droop. Its distinctive red, coral or pink flowers also hang down and have frilly, finely divided petals which are bent backward. It blooms continuously in summer and sporadically the rest of the year. The deep green, shiny leaves are a perfect backdrop for the intriguing flowers. Plant it in full sun, water regularly, and it will grow quickly to +-4m tall.

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Japanese Sago Palm  (Cycas revoluta)
Grown for its rugged trunk and symmetrical crown of large, dark green leathery leaves; the plant develops a bare stem as it ages and old specimens can branch multiple times, producing multiple heads of leaves. It is very slow growing and can reach large proportions with time; but in the garden, give it about a 2 to 3m to spread. It will grow in semi-shade or full sun and requires well-drained soil; and although it is fairly drought hardy and prefers to be on the dry side rather than too wet, it will respond well to judicious watering during dry spells.

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Kei Apple, Keiappel, umkokola, amaqokolo 
(Dovyalis caffra)
This dense, spreading plant varies from a shrub about 3m tall, to an 8m tall tree with a thick crown, 2.5 to 3.5m wide. Creamy-green flowers appear in summer and are sweetly-scented but not particularly attractive; but the bright orange-yellow edible fruit puts on quite a show. The leaves are light green and the branches are armed with long spines. Plant in full sun, and water regularly until established.

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Large Num-num Grootnoemnoem, Amatungulu (Carissa macrocarpa)
This indigenous, evergreen shrub or small tree has long, sharp forked spines and is grown for its dark green, waxy leaves that are a perfect backdrop for the white, sweetly scented, star-shaped flowers; which occur sporadically throughout the year. The flowers are followed by delicious edible bright red fruits; and although the plant loves full sun, it will also grow in semi-shade, if left un-pruned it will grow up to 5m tall and about 2m wide.

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Magnolia 'Little Gem'  (Magnolia grandiflora)
This beautiful tree is an unforgettable sight in early summer, when it bears an abundance of large waxy, creamy-white, lemon scented flowers. It has a roughly pyramid-shape and its large leathery leaves are a dark, glossy green. This evergreen will grow slowly to +-6m tall and +-4m wide in full sun or semi-shade. Plant in acid soil, protect from strong wind and water regularly.

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Moonflower (Brugmansia x candida)
This plant is breathtaking in summer when in full bloom and weighed down with huge, drooping, trumpet shaped flowers. The flowers are beautifully scented at night and range in colour from pink, to yellow, white, orange and purple. It thrives in full sun but will tolerate semi-shade; and can be trained to grow as a small tree or large shrub. Growth is fast if the plant is watered regularly; and varies from +-3 to 5m tall and 1.5 to 2.5m wide.

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Mountain Cabbage Tree, Bergkiepersol, umSenge, mNgqokhwe 
(Cussonia paniculata)
No two Cabbage trees grow exactly the same; some are tall with a straight trunk and others branch low down; varying in height from 4 to 7m tall and 1 or 2m wide. The trunk is often crooked or curving; and the mature bark is rough, fissured and corky, and the small greenish flowers are arranged in densely flowered spikes, and are followed by small purple berries when ripe. This plant is drought hardy and deciduous to semi-deciduous; it requires full sun.

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Natal Wild Banana (Strelitzia nicolai)
This tall, evergreen, fast growing Strelitzia species is grown not so much for its flowers as for its form; developing tall, bare stems, topped by enormous leaves and white and purple flowers.  It needs space to develop, growing 5 to 10m tall with a spread of up to 4m. Plants flowers best if planted in full sun but will also grow in semi-shade.  Water regularly during dry spells.

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Oleaster (Elaeagnus x ebbingei 'Gilt Edge')
Elaeagnus is renowned for its toughness and adaptability, and can be trained to grown as a large shrub or as a small tree. It is popular worldwide for the brilliance of its variegation; the plant looks particularly lovely when the wind blows the leaves to expose their silver undersides. Small but highly scented flowers appear in autumn and are followed by small orange fruits in spring. It thrives in full sun or semi-shade and if watered during dry spells will grow fairly quickly to +-3 to 4m tall, and almost as wide.

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Orange Jasmine (Murraya exotica)
In the frost-free regions of the world Murraya paniculata has become invasive and naturalised itself quickly. In South Africa it is no different and this plant is classified as a Category 1b invasive species in in KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo and Mpumalanga? However, it is not listed as invasive elsewhere, and if you still wish to plant it in these regions, you may. Sterile cultivars or hybrids are not listed as invasive, so if you wish to plant this shrub, ensure that you purchase it from a reputable garden centre.

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Peeling Plane, Lekkerbreek (Ochna pulchra)
This is one of our most attractive indigenous trees and makes an ideal garden subject; where it will grow moderately to +-4 to 5m tall and +-3m wide. It has a narrow, rounded crown and in spring or early summer produces masses of sweetly scented, lemon-yellow flowers. When the flowers drop the sepals enlarge and turn crimson, making a colourful background to the green fruits; which slowly ripen to black. This tree loses its leaves in winter and the new spring leaves are a lovely russet-red, turning green in summer.

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Pompom-Tree, Kannabas, inTozani, inTozwane-emnyama (Dias cotinifolia)
This indigenous tree is a breathtaking sight in summer when it is entirely smothered in large clusters of flowers in shades of pink to pale lilac. It has a neat upright growth habit, developing a dense round crown of attractive bluish-green leaves. Plants vary in height from from +-4 to 6m tall, with an equal spread; and thrive in full sun or light shade. In mild climates the plant will lose its leaves for a very short period at the end of winter.

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Pride-of-De-Kaap, Vlam-van-die-vlakte  (Bauhinia galpinii)
This magnificent indigenous plant bears masses of orchid-like flowers from mid-summer to autumn. The flowers can vary considerably from orange to dark brick-red; and are followed by long brown seedpods. Its attractive broad green leaves which resemble butterfly wings and its beautiful upright, yet sprawling growth habit, make it invaluable to plant on a bank. This vigorous plant loves full sun and grows quickly to +-2 to 3m tall, with a spread of up to 5m; if left un-pruned. In warm climates it is evergreen; plant in full sun and water moderately.

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Red currant, bos-taaibos, umhlakothi, motha-thaa (Searsia chirindensis)
This indigenous tree has a  rounded crown of soft green leaves which turn orange in autumn; new growth is coppery-red. Large sprays of tiny yellow-green flowers appear in spring to mid-summer; female plants bear heavy bunches of shiny, dark reddish-brown berries. It will grow in full sun or partial shade and loses its leaves in winter. In the garden it generally grows +-7m tall and can spread almost as wide.

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River Indigo  (Indigofera frutescens)
This gracefully weeping, multi-stemmed South African plant can be grown as a small, single-stemmed tree, or as a large shrub. It is loved for its large sprays of brilliant pink, to pale pink flowers in late summer and its soft green leaves. It is semi-evergreen and can be planted in full sun or semi-shade, where it will grow +-3m tall and +-2m wide.

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Rough Tree Fern (Cyathea australis)
This beautiful evergreen tree fern is grown for its huge brilliant green fronds on top of tall, slender stems. It varies in height according to climatic conditions, but in the garden it will generally grow +-5m tall and 3m wide. When fully grown, it makes an attractive shade tree, where dappled shade is needed. Plant in semi-shade to sun and in rich, well- drained soil. Water regularly in hot weather and spray the leaves down often with water.

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Round-leaved Teak, Dopperkiaat, Muhataha (Pterocarpus rotundifolius)
This decorative deciduous indigenous tree is an unforgettable sight in spring or summer when it bears long showy sprays of sweetly scented, deep yellow, pea-shaped flowers with crinkly petals. Hanging clusters of thin, brown, winged pods follow the flowers in autumn and may remain on the tree through winter. It requires full sun and varies greatly in growth habit, according to climate and especially rainfall; growing 10 to 20m tall under ideal conditions.

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Sagewood, iLoshane, Saliehout (Buddleja salviifolia)
This semi-evergreen bushy shrub can be trained to grow as a small tree. Its dark green leaves are densely covered with whitish hairs below, giving them a lovely silvery sheen. Large panicles of small flowers appear in summer, varying in colour from white, to lilac and purple; they are full of nectar and have an intoxicating honey-like perfume. If left un-pruned plants can reach up to 4m tall, but are generally sold as 2 to 3m tall, with an equal spread. Sagewood thrives in full sun but will tolerate semi-shade.

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Sand Olive, Hop Bush, Sandolien, Ysterhout  (Dodonaea viscosa angustifolia)
This indigenous plant is renowned for its resiliency and tenacity, tolerating a wide range of growing conditions. It varies greatly in growth habit, depending on climate; occuring as a small to large shrub, or small tree. It has shiny, bright green, sticky leaves, and the insignificant summer flowers are followed by showy seed pods, which start off green before turning a reddish-burgundy. Plants love full sun but will take light shade; and if watered regularly and left un-pruned, will grow quickly to about 5m tall and 2.5m wide.

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September bells, valskatjiepiering, umGubhe, thudwane, siKoba
(Rothmannia globosa)
 This small tree is highly decorative and adorned with sweetly fragrant, creamy-white flowers in spring or summer. It is a slender tree with shiny green leaves, which are usually evergreen but may be briefly deciduous. If watered during dry spells the plant will grow fairly quickly to +-3 to 4m tall; but can sometimes reach 7 to 12m under optimal climatic conditions. It will thrive in full sun or light-shade.

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Sweet Thorn, Soetdoring (Acacia Karroo)
This tree has a variable growth habit, depending on the climate in which it is grown. It generally has a spreading, rounded crown and makes a wonderful small to medium sized shade tree; bearing a profusion of sweetly-scented, golden yellow flower balls in summer. Its stout white thorns vary in length from 1 to 7cm long, making it an excellent barrier plant. It loves full sun and although it is drought hardy, if it is watered during dry spells it will grow quickly to +-4 to 7m tall; and remain largely evergreen.

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Tarwood, Wild pepper tree, Teerhout  (Loxostylis alata)
This evergreen tree has a compact shape and is usually single-stemmed, but branches low down on the trunk, so it can be clipped into a large shrub. The new growth is an attractive red, turning to a deep, glossy green when mature. The petals of the female flowers drop quickly, but their sepals remain, covering the developing fruit, turning pink to rust-red; and creating a beautiful display. In the garden it generally grows +-5 to 6m tall and 4m wide, and can be planted in full sun or semi-shade.

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Shuttlecock Flower  (Calliandra selloi)
This showy evergreen plant produces large clusters of soft pink and white flowers; appearing sporadically throughout summer and autumn. The delicate and softly feathery leaves are a good contrast for plants with bold foliage. It needs regular watering in summer and protection from strong winds. Plant it in full sun and the plants will grow quickly to +-1.5m tall and +-1.5m wide. If left un-pruned, and under optimal conditions it can grow much larger.

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Tree Aloe, Boomaalwyn  (Aloe barberae)
The tree aloe is the tallest of the South African aloes and can reach 15 to 18m, with a neat, rounded crown of dark green leaves that can be over a meter long and are armed with small white teeth. It forms a stout trunk that can eventually grow over 2,5m in diameter and usually has a broad 'foot' at ground level. The flowers appear in mid-winter and vary in colour from orange to salmon pink. It thrives in full sun and well-drained soil; and although it is drought hardy, will grow quicker if watered moderately during dry spells.

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Tree Fuchsia, Witolyf, Notsung, umBinza (Halleria lucida)
This evergreen tree or large shrub varies in greatly in height; in exposed positions and dry regions it generally remains a small shrubby tree about 2 to 5m tall, but in moist, protected positions it can reach 10 to 20m tall. Clusters of tubular, fuchsia-like flowers are produced in the axils of the leaves, on short shoots on the old wood and even on the main trunk; varying in colour from dark orange to brick-red and yellow, and appearing anytime from May to January. Plants grow fast if watered during dry spells and thrive in full sun or semi-shade.

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Tree Wisteria, Vanwykshout, mogaba, umHolo (Bolusanthus speciosus)
This is one of our most spectacular indigenous trees with its striking fragrant, violet-blue (rarely white), pea-shaped flowers; which droop from the branches in huge bunches; covering the entire tree in spring and early summer. It is a small tree which generally grows +-4 to 8m tall in the garden, and is usually multi-stemmed, with a narrow crown and wispy, weeping foliage. It is deciduous, dropping its leaves only for a short period in early spring. Plants require full sun, and once established can withstand long periods of drought.

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Umzimbeet, Umsambeet, umSimbithwa, (Millettia grandis)
This very shapely tree has a slightly flattened, widely spreading crown; and looks good all year round, with its glossy green leaves and coppery-red new growth. In summer it bears beautiful panicles of lilac to purple pea-like flowers that can cover the entire tree. Just before flowering time the leaves turn a striking russet gold and drop within weeks; and are immediately followed by new leaves. It can grow quite large, but in the garden it will generally grow into a small to medium-sized tree +-10m tall. It loves full sun but will tolerate some shade. Plants are not drought hardy, so water regularly during dry spells.

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Weeping Boer-bean, huilboerboon (Schotia brachypetala)
This evergreen is a rugged-looking medium to large tree with a widely spreading rounded canopy that is densely branched. It has a single trunk that sometimes branches low down; and its eventual height and spread is dependent on climate; but it commonly grows +-10 to 16m tall with a spread of 10 to 15m. An abundance of rich deep red flowers are produced in summer, producing such copious amounts of nectar that it literally 'weeps' from them. It loves in full sun and responds well to judicious watering during prolonged dry periods.

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Weeping Bride's Bush, treurbruidsbos, umdleza, tshituku, umhleza
(Pavetta lanceolata)
This delightful South African plant is loved for its masses of sweetly scented, starry white flowers with ivory styles, in summer; followed by dense clusters of black fruits. It has a slightly weeping habit and can be trained into a small tree or shrub. It is evergreen, thrives in semi-shade to sun; and requires regular watering during dry spells. Under optimal conditions it can grow between 4 and 7m tall; but in the average garden it will vary between 2 and 4m tall.

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White Karee, Witkaree, mosilabele, Garas  (Searsia pendulina)
This little tree naturally has a low branching habit and and its fresh green willow-like leaves have a pleasing drooping habit. Tiny green panicles of flowers are borne in spring and summer; followed by small green edible fruits that ripen to a reddish colour. The eventual height and spread can vary greatly, according to climatic regions and rainfall, and the tree occasionally reach up to 10m tall, but in the garden it will usually grow between 4 to 6m tall and can spread almost as wide. It loves full sun and is drought hardy.

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White milkwood, Witmelkout, aMasethole, umQwashu
(Sideroxylon inerme)
This fine evergreen has a large, dense, rounded crown of shiny green leaves and a beautifully gnarled stem with age. In spring or summer it produces small greenish white flowers, with a strong unpleasant smell; followed by small round fruits that turn an attractive purplish-black when ripe. It has a variable growth habit, from a large shrub to a tree of about 5m tall; growing slowly at first, but once it is has taken root will grow fairly quickly and can reach 10m tall with age. Plant in full sun or semi-shade and water during dry spells.

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Wild Chestnut, Wildekastaiing, Molalakgwedi, Mbhovha, Muvhaha, umBhaba  (Calodendrum capense)
When in full bloom the whole canopy of this magnificent indigenous tree turns pink; it takes about 4 to 6 years to flower but is well worth the wait. This single-trunked tree forms a dense, roundish canopy of glossy dark green leaves, that are mostly evergreen. It is moderately hardy to drought but does best if watered regularly. It will grow in sun or light shade and is moderately fast-growing; in the forests it can reach heights of up to 20m; but in the garden it will remain smaller with a more spreading canopy, generally growing +-7 to 12m tall and 3 to 5m wide.

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Wild Gardenia, wildekatjiepiering, modulatshwene, mukubudu, iBolo 
(Rothmannia capensis)
This is a beautiful evergreen for the home garden, produces an abundance of large, cup-shaped flowers anytime in summer. They are creamy-white and have a sweet, lingering, gardenia-like scent. Plants have a slender, often crooked, or straight trunk, and a small crown; and can be trained to grow as a large shrub or small to medium sized tree. Its eventual height will be determined by climate; but in the garden it will remain a small to medium sized tree about 5 to 6m tall, with a 3 to 4m spread. It thrives if full sun or light shade and requires regular watering during dry spells.

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Wild Laburnum, Geelkeurboom, inDloli, umLalandlovana 
(Calpurnia aurea)
This decorative evergreen varies in growth habit from a multi-stemmed shrub to a slender small tree. In forests it can grow +-9 to 15m tall but in open gardens it will generally grow about 2 to 4m tall and 1.5 to 2.5m wide. It has a light open crown and drooping, light green leaflets. The bright yellow flowers hang in large, showy bunches and appear irregularly throughout the year. Plants flower best in full sun but will take light shade; water during dry spells.

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Wildegranaat, Wild Pomegranate, iThobankomo (Burchellia)
The Wild Pomegranate is an exceptionally beautiful South African tree, which matures very slowly; so it is usually grown as an ornamental shrub in the garden. The luxuriant, glossy, dark green leaves are a perfect backdrop for the clusters of vivid red or orange flowers; which appear in spring and early summer; followed by dense clusters of fruits with distinctive horn-like lobes. This evergreen grows slowly to +-1.5 to 3m tall; mature specimens can reach 8m. Flowering is best in full sun to semi-shade, but the plant will even grow in dense shade.

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