Hottentots Fig, Kaapsevy - Carpobrotus edulis

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Carpobrotus deliciosus Carpobrotus deliciosus Description:

This vigorous, flat-growing, succulent groundcover grows on coastal and inland slopes from Namaqualand in the Northern Cape, through the Western Cape to the Eastern Cape. The huge bright yellow flowers appear mainly from late winter to spring and fade to pink. They open in bright sunlight, and close at night. This species is easily distinguished from the others as it is the only one with yellow flowers.

(Carpobrotus deliciosus) Goena can be found growing from Riversdal to the Eastern Cape. It has attractive purple, pink or white flowers and its growth habit and uses are the same as for C. edulis.

In the Garden:

Because it is drought resistant, low maintenance and fast growing, it is often seen as a pioneer plant on disturbed sites and in large areas it is essential for the fast stabilization of sandy slopes. In areas prone to wild fires, it makes a good fire-resistant barrier.


Medicinally it is used for skin ailments and to treat stings, especially bluebottle stings. 

 The fruits are used to make jams and condiments.

Carpobrotus edulis Carpobrotus edulis

In the Garden:

It will grow in full sun or in the dry shade under trees. Plant it as a groundcover for large areas, on embankments, or allow it to cascade over terrace walls. It is relatively shallow-rooting and is also a good choice for a roof garden.


The Hottentots fig is one of those plants that thrive on neglect and can be killed with kindness.

It is an excellent evergreen that is both drought and wind-resistant and will grow in lime-rich and brackish soils.

It is tender to frost, and high humidity will cause bacterial rot of the leaves.

Do not fertilise, and plant it in well-drained soil, in a sunny position where it has room to spread.

This drought tolerant plant should not need additional irrigation once established.

(Carpobrotus edulis) roots easily from cuttings without the need for hormone powder. Cuttings can rot easily, so root them in sand.

Additional Info

  • Common Name: Hottentots Fig, Kaapsevy
  • Latin Name: Carpobrotus edulis